Garden Tidy

July 22 Posted

Gardens Blog July 22 Read more

June 22 Posted

Bedding Plants with EwenWhat to do in the garden in June Read more

May Posted

May – Enjoy the anagrams It is a lovely late spring day, and I am just taking some time to wander around the garden, see what is happening and identify some things that need to be done. OMG, as they say nowadays, I have just spotted a { LOADED INN) …  Read more

April Posted

Time is marching on, and April is here, hopefully without all the 'showers.' If you have heeded my previous advice and planted lots of different spring-flowering bulbs, you will be or are about to be enjoying an incredible display of colour in your garden…  Read more

February Posted

Winter is passing slowly, and the Snowdrops and winter Aconites are all beginning to show. There are also signs of some Crocuses popping through, and some miniature Irises are making an effort too. Read more