July a month to enjoy

July A month to enjoy
June was a busy month, trying to keep on top of all that sudden growth following on from the late Spring, then the heat and the lack of rain resulting in having to water everything.
As I write this in the last week of June, here in Craigrothie we still have some Tulips in full flower, and they are amazing. The last of the Daffodils just finished flowering a week or so ago, this has resulted in being a bit behind with the planting of summer bedding, but we are getting there.
The planting of Bedding plants can and does bring a lot of cheer to a garden and there is still time to do this so that you can enjoy the wonderful range of colours.
With July upon us, we can relax a little, only a little, most of the hard work is past, but there is always plenty to do. With heat comes growth which in turn results in the need to tie plants up to keep from falling on top of other smaller plants. Centaurea Montana (perennial Cornflower) should be cut back when the flowers fade this will result in a second flourish. You can also do this with some Geraniums that have become straggly. Deadheading is important too and is an important part of gardening. Lupins, want to produce seeds, but you want flowers, so when the flower stem begins to produce seed pods at the bottom, remove the flower stem and this will encourage more, albeit, smaller flowers. Roses too need to be ‘dead headed’ this will encourage more buds and reduce the chances of disease. Sweet peas; once they start flowering keep picking them, this will increase the number of flower stems and show. Leaving them to go to seed will mean fewer flowers.
July is a good time to start pruning back some of your shrubs that have passed flowering, such as Forsythia, some Spiraeas and Syringa (Lilac), all of these flower on this year’s new growth.
There should be plenty to keep you occupied in the garden, but remember, take some time to relax and enjoy the garden. Sit and watch the birds, take time to follow the Bees as they flit from flower to flower and count how many different butterflies you have in the garden. They are having fun, why shouldn’t you.
Enjoy July
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