
Last month I said that summer had passed quickly, October has just flown past and all of a sudden, the temperature has dropped, and we can feel Winter is on its way… lots to do.
November is the month of cutting back all the Summer and Autumn Herbaceous plants, most of them being cut to the ground. We still have quite a bit of colour here and will leave some of them until the frosts have done their damage. We should get on with lifting and dividing some herbaceous plants like Geraniums and Perennial Cornflowers. Any plant that has become too big for the space and is causing problems with its neighbours should be lifted and reduced in size. You could transfer a bit to another part of the garden, or indeed a neighbour or friend may very well be pleased to receive a new plant.
Many shrubs also can receive an extra trim this month and (as mentioned last month) could be moved to another position where they can flourish. Buddleias can be cut back hard if they are a bit too big for their allotted space. Just be careful when wielding your secateurs on other shrubs that you are not removing next year’s flowering buds. Rhododendrons and Camellias are evergreen and will have well developed flowering buds and should not be touched.
You could, if required, give some evergreen hedges a light trim just now without causing any damage. Best to do this when there is no frost forecast.
Now too, is an excellent time to do some lawn repairs or also lay some new turf and don’t forget a dressing of Autumn fertiliser will set up the lawn for the hard Winter ahead.
If you haven’t already done so, get some bulbs and plant for a colourful spring, there are so many different and interesting varieties to go for. We have had great success here with Scilla Peruviana, which flowers in June. It is blue and multi flowered and very unusual. There are many different Fritillarias too that attract attention and have the wow factor.
( I try not to push that we have many interesting bulbs for sale, but we do if you would like to buy some)
As I write, it is a lovely sunny, but very cold late October day, but the colours in the Autumn sunshine are beautiful from the office door. We have blue Monks Hood, golden Privet, orangey-red Cottoneaster berries with loads of dark green leaves, the chocolate brown of a Berberis, a variegated Weigela, the rusty brown of a Viburnum and the golden green of a Thuja, also the light pink of a Persicaria and orangey-pink Begonias,this is all from a doorway!
Remember, always plant for colour throughout the year, and you will always have something to enjoy in your garden.
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