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July a month to enjoy Posted

July a month to enjoyJuly a month to enjoy Read more

June, now is the time Posted

June, now is the timeJune - Now’s the Time Now is the time to start bringing your garden to life. Almost all of us have a garden, they come in all shapes and sizes, formal, informal, courtyard and walled. It’s you who can make the garden, your garden! How do you w…  Read more

May's To Do's Posted

May's To Do'sWinter certainly returned last month and caused damage from both the frosts and the Arctic winds. Most plants and shrubs will recover and will just need a wee bit of attention trimming of the damaged leaves etc. However, some will need to be replaced, as …  Read more

April To Do's Posted

April To Do'sApril To Do's Now that April has arrived it’s time to start weeding and getting the beds ready for the summer. By removing weeds thoroughly now, you will benefit greatly later on, as you will have fewer weeds to deal with during the summer months. T…  Read more

Lawn Care Posted

Lawn CareMarch Spring is upon us, at last, the cold wet weather has held some things back and now in March we will still be able to enjoy the Snowdrops ( Galanthus) and Winter aconites (Eranthis). When the flowers of both these plants begin to pass is the best tim…  Read more